In the past two years, over 1,700 NAIFA members from every corner of the country came to Washington, DC and took to Capitol Hill to meet with lawmakers and advise them on how their decisions affect agents, brokers, and their clients.
On May 19th-20th, 2015, NAIFA will be holding its 2015 Congressional Conference with a similar goal – to establish and cultivate relationships with lawmakers, to share the expertise of NAIFA members, and educate them on the value of life insurance, annuities, retirement savings, and employee benefits for 75 million American families.
Registration information will be available soon. Mark your calendar and us in this important effort to educate lawmakers about the value of your business to your clients!
SPECIAL OFFER: The first 600 Congressional Conference registrants may be eligiblefor a travel expense reimbursement up to $350. Spots will go fast, so register today!