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Long Term Care Insurance

Commentary: Despite changes, LTCI guards assets and offers choice

Commentary: Despite changes, LTCI guards assets and offers choice Long-term-care insurance has undergone major changes in recent months as carriers have increased rates and tightened underwriting standards, writes Carol Einhorn of Arbor Group. Despite these changes, LTCI remains a cost-effective means of protecting assets, Einhorn writes. Many newer LTCI policies…

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MedAmerica: Cease Sale of NYS Partnership Effective April 20, 2013

Please be advised that MedAmerica is ceasing sale of its Enhanced New York State Partnership product as of April 20, 2013. But don’t worry! Our popular New York State Partnership product will be back on the market soon! We have received approval on our updated product, which is scheduled for…

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Genworth LTC: Underwriting changes and Related New Forms needed as of 4/15/13

Reminder: On April 15, 2013, expanded underwriting requirements will be applied to Genworth individual Long Term Care insurance products, including Privileged Choice®, Privileged Choice Flex®, Privileged Choice® Flex 2, Classic Select®, and New York Partnership Plus. Regardless of product or state, the new underwriting guidelines will be applied to all long…

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UPCOMING WEBINAR: eCLTC Presents… “2013 Long-Term Care Planning Series”

“Crafting the Right Policy” April 18, 2013 *     2:00pm – 2:30pm EST   From this webinar you will learn:  The 5 main issues of the policy design Long & Lean vs. Short & Fat Creating the best value with limited funds Betty Doll Betty is the Principal of Doll…

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Transamerica LTC: The Right Choice to Increase Your LTC Sales

Join us for a Webinar on March 21 Ed Stone, Regional Sales Director at Transamerica Long Term Care, will discuss why Transamerica is the right choice to increase your LTC sales today. Learn how Transamerica has taken the necessary steps to put themselves in a prime position with innovative product…

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