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Commentary: Life insurance policies should match clients’ needs

Making sure clients have the right life insurance coverage is a matter of matching "the product to the problem," write Stephan Leimberg, Robert Doyle Jr. and Keith Buck. Financial professionals need to look at a client's preferences and priorities, the level of insurance needed, the client's ability to pay premiums…

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How to reach millennials who lack life insurance

Only 16% of millennials in the US have a life insurance policy, and a recent survey showed about half believe paying off short-term debt is a more important priority. In response, carriers are offering innovative products, and agents are changing their sales practices to reach more young people. LifeHealthPro (7/29) 

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Experts weigh how Labor’s fiduciary rule will affect life insurance

Financial professionals say they're concerned as they face the complexity of how the Labor Department's fiduciary rule will affect life insurance sales. Experts say the rule applies to life insurance sold into a 401(k), but differ on how it will affect certain other products. InsuranceNewsNet Magazine (8/2016) 

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Expert: Look at key issues when reviewing clients’ life insurance

Financial advisers should re-examine clients' life insurance policies to determine whether the coverage is adequate and appropriate, says Palmer Williams of Saybrus Partners. Advisers should subject policies to stress tests and consider whether a different policy might be a better fit, he says. LifeHealthPro (7/16) 

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8 ways to stand out with prospects

Experts offer eight tips for making the best first impression, including owning who you are, getting to know prospective clients and acting confident. InvestmentNews (5/26) 

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Commentary: Life insurers must “get small” to find next big thing

The life insurance industry must try innovation on a small scale to find the next big idea, writes Maria Ferrante-Schepis of Maddock Douglas. That involves growing skills in prototyping and minimum viable product design, Ferrante-Schepis writes, and then scaling up when products are working. LifeHealthPro

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Low interest rates continue to challenge life insurers

The largest life insurance companies continue to struggle with low interest rates, with top companies expected to report lower operating earnings per share. Insurers are trying to cope by pursuing investments such as real estate, bank loans and even a railcar-leasing company. Bloomberg

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What consumers want to know about life insurance, according to Google

The top five terms people used to search online for life insurance information were "term life insurance," "whole life insurance," "life insurance policy," American life insurance and "health insurance," an analysis of Google Trends and Google AdWords found. Other frequent search terms include "burial insurance," "global life insurance," "life insurance…

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Group: Life insurance, annuities gain steam as LTC funding sources

Stand-alone long-term-care insurance policies are becoming more expensive, and many consumers are turning to other ways to pay for the care. Life insurance, annuities and short-term-care policies are among the alternatives becoming more popular, says Jesse Slome of the National Advisory Center for Short-Term Care Information. Financial Advisor online

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Partnership aims to speed up life insurance underwriting

Health testing company Force Diagnostics and health station provider higi have teamed up to make their processes available at pharmacies. The goal is to help life insurers and consumers get health-related information quickly and speed up the underwriting process. Chain Drug Review

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